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Dusty Roots

Seed- Carrot- Black Nebula

Seed- Carrot- Black Nebula

Regular price $2.50
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Indulge in the rich and sweet flavor of this open pollinated carrot variety. These dark purple roots are perfect for roasting or steaming, providing a fresh and delicious addition to any meal. Experience the depth of flavor and potential health benefits with every bite.

Quick Facts

  • Days to Maturity: 70-75
  • Light Requirement: Full Sun
  • Mature Spread: 3 in
  • Mature Height: 4-12 in
  • Fruit Size: 6-8 in
  • Sow Method: Direct
  • Seeds/packet: approx. 600
  • Seeds/oz: approx. 20,000

Growing Carrots

  • For a late spring/early summer harvest, it's best to plant carrots a few weeks prior to the last frost. To extend your carrot production, you can also grow them in the fall, just remember to harvest before the ground freezes.
  • For optimal growth, ensure that there is a gap of 3 to 4 inches between each carrot when planting them. Select a location with abundant sunlight for the best results. It's worth noting that carrots can also tolerate partial shade, which can be advantageous in hotter climates.
  • For optimal root development, mix compost or other organic matter into the soil when planting. Carrots require loamy, loose soil to thrive.
  • After planting, make sure to water the plants right away. Then, give them 1 inch of water every week. As the roots develop and mature, increase the amount of water to 2 inches per week.
  • Apply a layer of mulch such as chopped leaves or straw around the plants to prevent soil moisture loss.
  • For optimal harvest, wait until you spot the shoulders emerging from the soil. While you can harvest carrots at any stage, it is recommended to collect spring-planted carrots before the soil warms up too much and fall carrots before the ground freezes.
  • To maintain the quality of your carrots, it is recommended to store them either in the refrigerator or in a cool root cellar for a period of up to 2 months.
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